Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hard work pays off :)

On feb of this year I decided to be a beachbody coach. Before then I just taught dance and occasionally worked out at the gym. I was still overweight, getting gassed out every time I would perform. I decided to make a change for myself because I wanted to be able to have fun with my kids as they got older. I started Insanity in February and one month later my life changed.

I've never really saw myself shirtless in a picture before cuz I never really take pics of my self shirtless ha ha. I made sure to take my before pic and document my journey. It was at my 30 day point where I took another picture just to see my progress and I saw a good change. It wasn't until my 60 day transformation that I was blown away. I had lost 31 lbs in 2 months! That's crazy!!!! The side by side picture had me feeling great and excited about my fitness goals and where I wanted to get to. I would see all these people go from obese to 6 pack abs in their before and after pics and I WANTED THAT!!! More so, If I can do it in 2 months, change my eating and want to live a healthier life and be MOTIVATED to do it, then I want to help other people do the same and watch them reach their goals.

One thing about me is I love watching people that I help,motivate,inspire,teach or just share thoughts with succeed in life. It drives my passion for dance and fitness. Which leads me to why I'm a beachbody coach :) I don't want to work a 9-5 every single day of my life. I want to be home a lot more raising Kingston to be a great man of God. I want to spend more time with Amy and go on dates and not worry about having to wake up early the next day for work. I want to be financially comfortable and not have a cap on how much I can earn in one week of working. I want to be my own boss and FIRE my current boss!!!!! - not dance tho cuz I love dance :)


the statistics for obesity in America made me think a lot about my family and my life. 154.7 million adults (age 20 and older) are overweight/obese in America alone. If I have to be a statistic, I don't want to be part of that number. If I can help change people's lives for the better and prolong their life expectancy then I'm going to make it happen whether i get paid to do it or not. But how awesome is it to get paid to help people get excited about being healthy and proud of their body. I started out just wanting to help myself reach a goal. Then it became about helping others reach their goals in fitness. Now it's about helping others help others and paying it forward. The financial part is great. I've made more in one week with beachbody then I have in one month working my day job. It's unbelievable to me and I just started this business in march. It's not rocket science but it is a lot of hard work.

Dave Ramsey said it best! "The worst thing you can do in this economy is get a second job, the best thing you can do is start a home based business!"
The reason why is that small businesses drive the economy. It's not the big wigs that create financial peace in our lives. It's US wanting to create work for ourselves and drive this economy to be a country that works hard!

I work hard for my family. I work hard because of my upbringing. I work hard because no one will work hard for me! To me, working hard is natural. I'm a natural born hustler :)
With beachbody, it changed the way I thought about myself as a person and has given me confidence in a lot of what I do. I want to be the dad that is able to do things with my kids and not be that couch potato that's super tired. I want to grow old and see my grandkids and not die from heart failure due to obesity. Living healthier is something that has become really important to me and my family and beachbody has made this all possible by supplying me with shakeology and giving me workouts that produce great results.

My body has become my business. The better it looks, the more my business grows. The saying goes, treat your body like a temple. It is very true! I now treat my body like a business because the more I invest in it, the better it becomes. The more I upgrade different areas, the better the production, the speed, the feel, and overall quality of my life. I love how I get to help people improve the quality of their life! I can only do so much as a coach, YOU have to want it bad enough that YOU work hard to get there. I can get you there!

If you've ever doubted yourself. Holla at me! If you want to be financially comfortable. Holla at me! If you have "no time" to work out, holla at me! If you want to lose weight. Holla at me! If you want to quit your day job and work from home. Holla at me! If you want to be the best version of yourself.... Holla at ya boy!!!!!

Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try! ----> love this quote!

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Marc! I love and admire your passion and your motivation to take matters into your own hands to change the things you were not happy with. You have already impacted so many people across generations and I look forward to seeing where this takes you and your beautiful family.

    I feel like we would work well together as "professionals" :) I'll holla at ya after I get my DPT in three years!! Or you can holla at me if you want any Pilates incorporated into the mix. Haha.

    Keep it up, keep me posted, keep it positive!

