Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sweet Serenity

I stand motionless in front of judges,patiently waiting to hear the first drop of musical bliss.
The stage beneath the soles of my shoes, ready to be trampled on, yet, graciously kissed.
My mind tries to ease into a comfortable state of thought, as if, enjoying a piƱa colada on the beaches of Lanai.
Muscles tense up while neurons fire at lightening speeds, at the same time, adrenaline seeps into my veins producing a different type of high.
I can hear my heartbeat as the audience begins to set their sights at the lit stage.
The sound of it beating gets louder and louder, all while my vision of the crowd fades.
The beat drops and it pierces my soul as if I got struck with an audible sword.
I pause for a brief moment before my body takes over, and completely demolishes this floor. 
There are no worries or struggles of my current reality I take on stage, as I make waves in an ocean completely free from guilt.
It took years upon years to fully enjoy the beauty of this majestic boat that heartache and experience built.

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