Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kingston Joseph Roy

As I lay here with King next to me making all kinds of weird sounds I start to think of my life before him. The simple joys of being able to go out and not having to worry about anything or anyone. Amy and I would be able to go on dates and be with eachother not having to pack extra bags or do any extra steps. We could just leave! Amy and I could go hang out with friends all without having to think twice about it.

We would get a lot more sleep :)

So many little things that we used to enjoy as individuals and a married couple is now gone. We now have to think of King and his needs and his wants and change his diapers ha ha.

Which leads me to my post :)

My life is forever changed due to this kid. To me, he is perfect in every way and can possibly be the cutest baby ever! No lie! People tell me all the time that he is but for real... he's SUPER freaking cute!

See as a teenager I could not picture myself a dad. Not even when I turned 21 did I picture myself a dad. I thought about myself and my needs and my wants all the time. It was easy! Fighting for the one I wanted to marry and truly marry for all the right reasons taught me discipline and love. How many people can say they married the right person? I can!

I've become more mature in my dealings with people and my everyday interaction since I was a teenager. I'm still childish and I don't think I'll ever lose that side because its what keeps me happy and grounded to say the least. We can learn from children or if you watch the movie "Hook!" I love that movie.

Anyways, Kingston has changed my life. I don't look at the extra precautions that I have to take, a burden. But rather something I enjoy doing as a father. See we grow up in stages. If we are not ready for the next stage in life mentally and emotionally then physically we back out. Whether it be a job, marriage,  or having a baby. Learning how to do everything comes in waves and we need to be ready to surf it. If not, you'll just get tossed around and want to quit after a while.

We waited and waited until the right time but we couldn't get past the fact that we wanted to be parents. Once we started trying it happened so fast and we had to learn how to accommodate with what was happening. Kingston is ONE MONTH today. Wow, time flies! This kid cracks me up with all his facial expressions and just random things he does.

Would I change my life to make room for him? You bet I would. What I wouldn't do is take anything back. See, he was planned and not just an oops. We wanted him here. Most babies have no choice. It saddens me how boys never grow up and take responsibility for their actions. That's why girls have to grow up into women and stop messing with "boys". Word of advice, if a guy doesn't fight for you, he'll fight with you... if he doesn't give you reasons to love you, he'll give you excuses to sleep with you... and if you get good morning and good night texts, those are usually an indication that he's flirting with you. Real talk, guys nowadays are LAME!

King on the other hand will grow up with manners and shown how to love and treat a woman thru his parents. If you lead by example, they'll grow up doing the same. I'm super excited for this journey with my son because it satisfies my soul to see the accomplishment of others thru my teaching. That's how I feel with my dancers. I cried last year when they got done performing on stage ha ha... I'm just so proud of them. I might even cry this year...we'll see :)

All in all, Kingston has become my pride and joy. Amy is still my first love. Dancing is still my passion and i have 2 amazing people that keep me inspired to create and share. And a dance family that is so wonderful to me that I get to share all these things with them everyday!

Kingston: Daddy loves you and I can't wait to see what a great man you'll become!

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