As I got to be part of the audience, I was astonished to watch some of the girls I train in hip-hop do pointe and classical ballet. I have a new found respect for these dancers. There were times I wanted to shout like we do in hip-hop for the dancers on stage but it would have been socially unacceptable at this particular event :)
Now its Sunday and as I lie in bed my mind is thinking of all I get to do today. At 2:30pm I get to go to a birthday party and teach dance to 19 kids. Something I love doing and I get to inspire these kids thru it. How awesome is that? I love my job and I take it serious. Kids at this age are very fragile and it takes certain people to make them or break them. I'm glad I get to be one of those people that makes them into a better person. Not just dancer but a better individual because the character traits of hard work and dedication they learned from a positive atmosphere is what inspired them to become the next president. See the bigger picture is that not everyone is going to pick dance as a career. To most, dance isn't considered a career at all. Holding the title of doctor,lawyer, teacher, firefighter, or dentist is considered a career. To be honest, we are just as important as any of those professions. My job isn't easy but I love it. It challenges me in different ways everytime I teach. Try teaching a group of kids a dance routine, keep their attention for an hour, make them remember it, and have them come back the next class wanting some more. Even better, try teaching that to kids ages 5-7. Its not an easy job. But parents continue to put trust in us to teach their child something in that one hour. Its our job to keep that trust.
Its funny to think that at one point my skills were being questioned due to my vision expanding and not quite lining up with others. That I was labeled unethical and defiant at one point for standing up for myself. Its funny to me because those same things pushed me to be where I am now. I haven't changed as a person. I'm still the same Marc that everyone knows. People assume way too much only because the people they run with tell them differently. I urge you to find out for yourself. 2 people can read the same book and have different feelings about it. They can watch the same movie and see it differently. Don't be the person that never read the book or watched the movie because people said it wasn't good. Find out for yourself.
I say this because I almost gave up dancing. I invested everything I had for this profession and it was slowly being taken away. It left such a sour taste in my mouth that I wanted no part of it ever again. I almost developed a hatred for it. For those who know my story, cool, you understand. But for those who don't, don't judge me until you know everything.
I've been grindin since 2009 to keep motivated and to keep pursuing my passion and it has led me to today. Excited and inspired to change lives. I love all the kids I work with. The jobs a book every year. The people I touch through performing. The parents that believe in me because in 3 months they've seen their child grow in hip-hop. Most of all I'm a Jesus freak and I couldn't have done it without him. God has bigger plans for me and he uses certain situations to grow us into the person he wants us to become. I'm thankful for everything in my life but I'm more excited for this next phase of life. 2012 is definitely a new beginning for everything.

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